Were you aware that our neighborhood has a lending library available? Located on Aylsebury in the neighborhood's common area. On the way into the neighborhood, you will see this on your left just after the curve and before the Gaboury Ln intersection. If you are looking for something new to read, please go take a book. If you have an old favorite you want to share, leave it in the library so a new reader can discover it!
*Posted 2024
Does it pay to take pride in our neighborhood? Yes! Several homes that have recently been sold have been on the market for short periods of time with sales in the $300,00 to $400,000 plus range. Wyngate remains a popular subdivision with realtors and buyers -- curb appeal leaves an impression. THANK YOU to all who have taken the effort to improve the appearance of their home and lot!
*Posted 2023
*Updated 2024
Imagine your children or grandchildren are playing in your front yard, and your littlest picks up something from the yard that you don't recognize at first. You walk closer to realize it is dog poop...yuck! And you don't even own a dog... double yuck!
Pet owners, please, please pick up after your pets. When you grab the leash for a walk, you should also grab a bag for the droppings. This is a very simple neighborly responsibility that we expect all neighbors to follow. Thank you to all pet owners who have consistently picked up their pet's droppings. It is appreciated!
*Posted January 2021
After the last heavy snow, the HOA Board contacted Knox County about their policies regarding snow plowing on county roads. The county confirmed for us that there was no preclusion for Wyngate to hire a contractor to snowplow the roadways, BUT that all liability would be placed on the snowplow operator and our HOA. The county also explained that the snowplow process is best for roads that have large ditches and gutters to hold the plowed snow. Since Wyngate does not have large ditches and gutters on our roads, the plowed snow would pile up blocking our driveways. The county also explained that they do provide salt on the roads with severe events that have long durations. The HOA Board will follow Knox County’s guidance based on individual snow events.
*Posted January 2021